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Thea Chippendale

The Three Things You Should Avoid Doing As A Manager

The role of a manager, especially in PR, is like walking on a tightrope. On one side, there's the ever-pressing need to deliver results, and on the other, the responsibility of nurturing a team to its full potential. Most managers are always in a state of growth, evolving and adapting their strategies to become better leaders every day.

However, let's call it as it is: there is a vast difference between a good manager and a poor one, and the effects of the latter can be catastrophic both for individual team members and the organisation at large.

So, if you're aiming to grow and thrive as a PR manager, here are three fundamental errors of management you must steer clear of, to ensure your team feels both heard and respected:

📢 You shouldn't be giving feedback without solutions.

When giving feedback, always pair it with solutions. We all understand the significance of feedback in ensuring growth and progress. However, it's not enough to just identify areas of improvement; it's equally important to guide the way forward. By offering actionable solutions alongside the feedback, we empower team members to take concrete steps toward improvement. Simply pinpointing flaws can be disheartening and can leave team members feeling lost and uncertain. However, by coupling feedback with clear guidance, we not only boost their confidence but also foster an environment where continuous improvement is encouraged and facilitated.

EXAMPLE: Your employee is struggling with time management. ⏲️

Rather than saying... "I've noticed you're handing in your work late. This can hold up the rest of the project and cause delays. I need you to get better at this ASAP."

Say... "I've noticed you're handing in your work late. Is everything okay? I'm here to support you in any way you can. Let's work together on this. Here are a few strategies we could explore to help improve your time management..."

🗯️ You shouldn't be allowing your emotions to take charge of your communication.

Emotions play a crucial role in our daily interactions. We all recognize that managing our emotions, especially in leadership roles, is essential for effective communication. However, it's not enough to just be aware of our feelings; it's equally vital to understand their impact on others. Sending a terse reply like "Ok" or "Fine" may seem straightforward to us, but it might lead team members to feel undervalued or misunderstood. Such messages can create an atmosphere of uncertainty and doubt. By ensuring our communications are both clear and considerate, we not only build their trust but also foster an environment where everyone feels respected and secure in their roles.

EXAMPLE: Your team member has just sent in a draft of a client proposal.

Rather than replying with... "This is not what we discussed."

Say... "Thank you for the effort on the proposal. I noticed a few deviations from our initial discussion. Can we review and align our approach?"

😶‍🌫️ You shouldn't be micromanaging your staff.

When you micromanage, you inadvertently communicate a lack of trust and confidence in your team's abilities, which can stifle their creativity, dampen their motivation, and hinder their professional growth. For a team to truly flourish, especially in this ever-evolving industry, they need the freedom to innovate, make decisions, and even learn from their mistakes. A hands-on management approach is crucial at times, but there's a fine line between guidance and overbearing control.

EXAMPLE: Your employee is leading a campaign pitch.

Rather than instructing... "I want you to use this strategy, this messaging, and these exact graphics."

Say... "I trust your judgment on the campaign pitch. If you need guidance or feedback on the strategy, messaging, or graphics, I'm here to help. Let's make this a collaborative effort."

So, what should you be making sure you're doing as a PR manager?

  1. Offer feedback that's both clear and constructive.

  2. Prioritise open communication without any emotional vagueness.

  3. Trust your team and steer clear of over-supervision.

The landscape of PR is ever-changing, but the core principles of respect, trust, and clarity remain vital.

Need help figuring out your management style? Get in contact!


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